This is the first post on my new website!

2017-10-15 07:05:44

Thanks for visiting my new website! I hope you enjoy! It's basically done for the most part, but I will be adding features and updating certain aspects of it. I'll also be slowly adding the blog posts that were on my original site.

My first website was built on WordPress, and I really liked that one. However, I've been wanting to move away from it for quite a while now. My boss introduced me to this PHP framework called Laravel, and I really enjoyed using it. So much so that I decided to build my new site using it.

I really enjoy how my site is turning out. Please let me know if you see anything wrong with it. You can contact me through one of my socials on the contact page. Thanks again for visiting my new site!

Updated at: 2017-10-16 02:37:55

Tags: personal laravel php

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