New Year's Resolution: Finishing Harry Potter

2018-01-21 04:22:51

Technology has really overtaken society. Reading isn't as popular as it used to be. With phones and computers having so many apps and games for endless entertainment, it seems like people forget about books. I know I was one of those people. I made a decision to make reading one of my resolutions. I'm so glad I did.

I've been trying to read Harry Potter for 30 minutes a day everyday since the new year. I've only slipped up 1 or 2 days, but I've made up for it the next day by reading what I was supposed to read the night before. I've been meaning to read it because I haven't read all of the books. I read through the 4th one when I was around 12 years old. I'm finally going to finish the book series. I'm excited to see what's different between the books and movies.

Reading is going to be good for me. It'll be a chance to separate myself from everything digital in my life. It's important not to become dependent on all things electronic. Read something once in a while.

Updated at: 2018-01-25 04:02:12

Tags: personal

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